Delhaize's International Strategy Essay

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There are two contrasting pressures that put opposing demands on an organization’s international strategy: global integration and local responsiveness. High pressure for global integration implies an increased need to concentrate and coordinate operations globally. This kind of approach cannot be applied to a food retailer for logical reasons. Hence, in accordance to the research done, we identified Delhaize’s International strategy in a multi-domestic definition. Multi-domestic is a term that has been used to describe a set of strategies adopted by companies that operate in more than one country per time. Expanding businesses into market overseas implicates to act differently in each of the markets the company operates in. A multi-domestic approach tends to maximize the local responsiveness, based on different product or service offerings and operations depending on local market conditions and customer preferences. The advantages deriving from the application of this strategy are listed below: • Economic efficiency • Local adaptation advantage • Simplification of the value…show more content…
Asia and in the USA) and at a global level to improve knowledge transfer and organizational learning throughout the Group. At the centre of Delhaize strategy have always been competencies in operating the supermarket business model. Therefore, these actions were designed to leverage efficiencies in procurement, energy and risk management. At the beginning of 2010 in the USA the intra-chain linkages and support activity integration was officially consolidated with the creation of a single organizational unit, Delhaize America. The new structure embodied almost every “back office” function: supply chain, IT, finance, human resources and change management, legal and government relations, communications, strategy and research, and corporate

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