Middle School-Personal Narrative

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“Mom, I am really nervous about school tomorrow,” I exclaimed. “What if I don’t make any new friends? Then Middle School would be very boring,” I decided. I began to ask my mom some questions, sitting nervously at my house. “Zachary, there are always kids who will share the same interests or hobbies with you.” My mom started, “Just don’t worry about it you will be fine.” Friends are very important over the course of a lifetime. Without any people to hang out with, it will just make Middle School even worse. Sure, I had my old friends from last year, but I only had one in my classes. I was very nervous about middle school. By the second week, I had still not made any progress. It was Monday, which meant it was a B day. I was in science…show more content…
“I can’t wait for this weekend when I go to Asheville.” he told me. After that full conversation broke out and we couldn’t stop talking. It turns out that Lucas was a straight A student, who moved here from Poland a year and a half ago. Last year he went to Ballantyne Elementary and he did not have that many friends. We talked so much during class that we got in trouble for laughing. Lucas was also very funny and told lots of hilarious jokes. I decided that I had made the right choice, and that I was smart for talking to him. We were going to become great friends. From then on I always sat with Lucas at lunch. Finally I had made a new friend! Lucas and I are still friends to this day! Since I met Lucas I have made a lot of new friends. That incident made me realize that I should not judge people until I really get to know them. I now know that it is easy to make new friends. If I take a chance then I might be able to make some more. If I just give it a shot and talk to the person then maybe we will become good buddies. It was just like a risk/reward kind of game, and most of the time you got the reward. How would Middle School have been if I didn’t try to make friends with
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