Mexican Remedies

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A horrendous feeling remained on my body, and was not departing anytime soon. This had been the third day I had this strange sickness. My 5 year old self could not withstand this coruscating pain of vomiting, itchiness, high fever, and a rash all over my body anymore. My mother, had taken me to the local hospital at least twice, but there no sign of recovery from the doctor’s treatments. Even being Hispanic, many Mexican remedies were also unsuccessful. So not having any more money for hospital bills, we had a better solution of going to our family’s long-time doctor in Mexico. This doctor was truly a genius. His vast knowledge of illnesses, medicines, and remedies had saved two of my cousins from being seriously sick. What really outstood from his characteristics, other that knowledge was his sweet heart and his sense of understanding. He always had time for his patients, and was willing to give aid to his patients even though they didn’t have money at times. This physician was truly an outstanding man.…show more content…
The past three days I only had a few hours of sleep, and was much weakened from this epidemic. So being the caring lady my mother is, she had taken me to Mexico to go get help from our family doctor in Mexico. What the craziest thing about this visit, was that we were heading at 2 a.m. I was questionable on whether this doctor was going to answer, but then upon arrival and knocking a couple of times, he opened the door. There he stood, tall and skinny, in his white pajamas like some sort of superhero waiting to save the day, and he definitely was going to save

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