Mental Illness Psychology

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When deciding a topic for this research paper, there was one topic I immediately knew I was interested in and wanted to do more research on, for more than one reason. I am a psychology major, so naturally this is something I was interested in. Also, this is something I have personally struggled with, as well as friends and family around me. I believe it is so important to be educated on this topic, and to educate others who are possibly uninformed. The two most common forms of mental illness, anxiety and depression, affects millions of people across the country, and are the two I plan to focus on in my research. I believe that even in this day in age, there can be a stigma attached to mental illness. There are so many people out there struggling,…show more content…
Many times, it comes from out of nowhere, for no apparent reason. I would like to learn more about the causes, and how the brain works. If people were simply more educated on the topic, it could possibly save even just one person’s life. Those suffering with mental illness are also more likely to drop out of school, have addiction issues, and have trouble getting and maintaining a job. One thing I would love to learn about this topic, is if it is possible to maintain a completely normal life while struggling with mental illness. It is normally something that people have their whole lives, so they must find a way to maintain their everyday schedule while struggling with ups and downs. While there is no known cure, there are several different forms of treatment that can help people live a more normal, healthy life. I would like to discover the most effective forms of treatment that have the highest success…show more content…
The average age for those who have anxiety to first have symptoms is around 18-24. As many and three quarters of those with anxiety disorders first experience symptoms before the age of 22. This can be one of the most stressful times of a young adult’s life. They are suddenly thrown into a new environment, possibly hundreds of miles from home, in a place with thousands of strangers. Many students deal with this stress by turning to things like excessive partying, drinking, and drugs. Trying to live a normal life through college can be extremely difficult to those with anxiety disorders or depression. The stress from studying and taking exams can be
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