Memory Disorders In Dementia Research Paper

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Memory Disorders in Dementia Dementia is a non-specific disease, it is a collection of symptoms that can be caused by a number of disorders that affect the brain. People with dementia have a considerably impaired functioning that interferes with normal activities and relationships. They lose their ability to solve problems and maintain emotional control, and they can experience personality changes and behavioral problems such as agitation, delusions, and hallucinations (Shannon, 2010). At the age of 65 about 5 in every 100 people will have dementia by the age of 80. About 20 people in every 100 will have some degree of dementia (Dementia and Memory Problems, 2015). Disorders That Cause Dementia There are many disorders that can cause dementia.…show more content…
Alzheimer disease and other types of dementia can cause nerve cells to stop functioning, or cause lose connections with other neurons, and cause them to die. Some think that normal aging results in a loss of large numbers of neurons in the brain, however that is not the case (Shannon, 2010). There are many different types of dementia disorders some include: Cortical dementia: This is when the brain damage primarily affects the brain’s cortex. This results in problems with memory, language, thinking, and social behavior. Subcortical dementia: Affects parts of the brain below the cortex. This tends to cause changes in emotions and movement along with problems with memory. Progressive dementia: Is exactly what it says this dementia gets worse over time, slowly interfering with more and more cognitive abilities. Primary dementia: Dementia such as Alzheimer decease, it does not result from any other disease. Secondary dementia: This dementia happens as a result of a physical disease or injury. Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in people aged 65 and older and is considered both a progressive and a…show more content…
The first symptom of dementia is memory loss. Everyone forgets things from time to time. The memory loss of dementia is greater and affects your ability to function. If someone forgot where they put their car keys that is not dementia. Forgetting how to use the key is a possible symptom of dementia. Frequently, someone with dementia recognizes that something is wrong, but is afraid to contact a doctor to find out. As the disease worsens, the person may become nervous, depressed or anxious about the symptoms. Along with memory loss, a person with dementia may have trouble with complex mental tasks. They may have difficulty balancing a checkbook, driving, knowing what day it is, and learning new things. They may be careless, and display poor judgment. Their mood and behavior also may change. As the disorder progresses, the person may have difficulty speaking in full sentences. They may not recognize their surroundings, or other people. They may have problems with personal care, like bathing. In some cases, a person with dementia may see or hear things that are not even there, they could be hallucinating or they may be delusional. Dementia patients may also get very agitated and possibly will withdraw from other people (Dementia, 2013). Many people think that if a person has memory loss then they have dementia since memory loss is a common symptom of dementia, however that

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