Holistic Wellness Hanoi Case Study

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The company is established and served on the foundation of three core values: nature, holism and dedication. Primarily, Holistic Wellness Hanoi aspires to become the first company in Vietnam in general and in Hanoi in particular to provide this type of service. The company wants to show people a new path to optimal health. Bided by the conventional definition of a good health, people consider being physically healthy equal a healthy life (CMH, 2011). The company desires to send a message that being physically healthy is not enough, but to be healthy in both our mind and spirit, will people obtain their holistic approach to life. Furthermore, Holistic Wellness Hanoi hopes to be a primary choice for all women to come relax and have a quality…show more content…
Holistic Wellness Hanoi wants to protect people’s health and orientate people to choose products which are beneficial to their health. Striving for difference, Holistic Wellness Hanoi gives the clients not only massages but also a new approach to Zen meditation. Holistic Wellness Hanoi will hire a professional meditation trainer to guide the clients how to meditate properly. 1.3 Our targeted customers Holistic Wellness Hanoi targets to stressful women. They can be a teenage girl getting stressed with her school, her imperfect body; or a businesswoman bearing loads of work; or a housewife having to do all housework while taking care of her babies. The center wants to focus on women only for three reasons: 1.3.1 Women tend to get more stress than men at workplace. According to a survey by American Psychology Association, when interviewing 1500 employees, it appeared as only 33% of male employees feel stressful with their work; meanwhile 37% of female employees feel stressful (APA, 2010). Also women are experiencing a gender pay gap comparative to men. According to Tim De Mayer – a senior specialist of International Labor Organization in Asia-Pacific region, Vietnam belongs to a group of nations which have the biggest gender pay gap. Currently, Vietnam’s gender pay gap is around 15%. Furthermore, it is more difficult for women for…show more content…
This requirement applies to all positions in the company, from managers to operational staffs. For each position in the company, Holistic Wellness Hanoi will set out different requirements in details. However, all of the staffs will have to possess some necessary skills and traits. Firstly, Holistic Wellness Hanoi requires all of the staffs to learn thoroughly our values: Nature, Holism and Dedication. The company is looking for staffs to understand clearly what Holistic Wellness Hanoi aims and what it values. It seeks to find people who have the same values and aspire to work in an environment like this. Secondly, the staffs should be good listeners since the company operates based on the clients’ need. Each client has different needs; therefore, in order to fully fulfill their demand, the staffs will have to listen to the clients with sensitivity. Thirdly, the company’s staffs will be dedicated to the clients’ happiness and satisfaction. Once becoming our employees, our staffs will put the clients’ satisfaction as primary priority and try their best to bring the clients

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