Medieval Women In The Middle Ages

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The perception of Medieval women has religious roots, since her status derives from the Roman catholic doctrine that dominated the Middle Ages. Eve, who had committed the original sin by eating from the forbidden fruit, misled Adam to do exactly the same. As a matter of consequence, they were both exiled from Paradise and Eve was looked upon as the weaker sex of the two ever since. In addition, she was created from Adam's rib, which supports the notion that women are subordinate to men. The catholic doctrine also prescribed that women should not occupy any position within the church, since these occupations were appointed to men. However, after Christian monasteries had been established, women had the chance to fulfil positions as nuns or abbesses, which created a hierarchy for women. In relation to St. Eugenia and St. Euphrosyne, who were women that cross-dressed like man in order to gain authority, the church had also put restrictions on the act of…show more content…
The risk for women that came with marriage was giving birth to children. During the Middle Ages childbirth quite often lead to a mother's death, and therefore, women were not always pleased with being married. They had a choice, though. They were to become either a nun or a mother. That is the only control they had in Medieval Society. Aristocratic women had servants, handmaidens and were ought to consider their husband's (king) honour when their husband had decided to go on warfare, or when a rivalling kingdom had decided to go to war with her husband. This gave her indirect political power, as long as she could preserve her husband's honour. Peasant women, on the other hand, had less opportunities than the aristocrats. When a peasant women was not married, she was subjected to the will of any man in her family (father or
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