What Is The Medieval Minstrel's Role In Society In The Middle Ages

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Preface “In the Middle Ages, there was a definite structure in society. You were born into a class of people, and you generally stayed in that class for your entire life. Working hard change nothing to your status. Your clothing, food, marriage, homes, etc., were all determined for you.” (MiddleAgesStudy, 2014) The rights and privileges given to the Upper Classes from the Lower Classes, and in most cases enacted by laws sustained the Feudal System. Everything was a source of privilege for the nobles. The high-ranking nobles lived in castles with their knights, ladies and retinues. Others “enjoyed” their daily life on their manors. The peasants, including serfs, freeman and villeins spent their daily life on a manor or village.…show more content…
The minstrels were the keepers of national literatures and songs. Minstrels were mostly in the service of the clergy. They were hospitable and welcomed by the nobles. Besides getting food and lodging, they also got paid for their skills. Minstrels were different from Troubadours. Minstrels usually perform others’ songs; however, Troubadours always perform their own compositions. Eventhough the two Classes were not doing the samething; they were in a good relation ship. Knights The easiest way to become a knight was to be the son of a noble. This sounds unfair to those who are peasants, but that was the situation in the Middle Ages. These children learned from an early age about riding horse, mastering weapons, reading and writing Latin and French, and even dancing. They were highly educated; thus, they were honorable in people’s perspectives. Eventhough knights were usually traveling; they still had castles considered as home because they were nobles. They were very respectful and justice. Knights usually appeared in battlefields; thus, their appearances were always in metal helmets and body armors.

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