Manorial System Research Paper

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The Middle Ages economy was characterized by a deep social structure and a large agriculture system. Before the Normans evaded England the market economy was a big part of the society during that time. Even though the medieval economy grew and changed, agriculture had continued to be the centerpiece in the medieval economy. The manorial system was an important part of the structure and also economic structure of the Middle Ages. This system created the mode of cultivating plants, as we know today as horticulture. The manorial system is an economic, political and also social system during that time the peasant economy depended on it. For both their land and also a means of living for the peasant as well for their masters. The basic functions of the manorial system are a self-efficient estate controlled by the lord. The lord enjoyed the rights of the land and also the rights to control the peasant through serfdom. The lord maintains authority over both the land and the worker to ensure civil order is maintained. There were economic hardship that provoked by the barbarian wars during the 6th and 5th century, Famine and disease hand many laborers give their land and freedom to work under the protection of their local lord.…show more content…
This system gave in to feudalism in which the king would give the local lords land in exchange for loyalty and to maintenance of the local civil lord. The most common job during the middles ages was the peasant farmers who work for the manors of their lords. Each manor were made up of a number of acres in which would work in to produce food for their lord and villages. To add to farming the farmers would keep sheep and the women were in charge of sheering the sheep, spinning the wool and creating clothing. Women were about to get jobs as seamstress and

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