Importance Of Employee Morale In The Workplace

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Improving Employee Morale Is Easy If You Know How In the business and corporate setting, employee morale is considered one of its cornerstones. it refers to the emotion, attitude, feelings of well-being, job satisfaction and overall outlook of an employee for the entire duration of his time spent in a workplace. For some reason, however, this particular corner stone is hardly nurtured, much less given attention. In a Gallup 2013 State of the American Workplace Report, 70% of Americans are unhappy, completely disengaged and feel negatively about their jobs. Without a doubt, the company that these employees work in are suffering one way or another, what with the many implications of low employee morale. In fact, an estimated 22 million employees…show more content…
How do you do this exactly? Acknowledge that the problem exists You've seen the symptoms and signs, and the figures in your business report don't lie. It is obvious that productivity is suffering because members of the organization are dissatisfied and disengaged. Unless you acknowledge that employee morale is low and productivity is suffering, you won't see the value of making improvements. Horrible Bosses and managers would not take responsibility for the role they play as well. Most of the time, low morale is created from the top down. employees do all the work and listens, while the managers would not reciprocate even just one bit. This imbalance fosters resentment distrust and…show more content…
According to Elizabeth Scott,'s wellness coach, your demeanor as the boss or CEO has a direct effect on your employees, as they often relate performance and job security with your mood. If you don't smile, they would assume that things are looking grim. Your positive attitude can also stave off burnout, boost morale and inspire teamwork. It is also highly recommended that you carry a positive attitude that will prove contagious, resulting in an environment filled with positivity. Just remember to remain sincere, since overdoing it can have the opposite effect. Consistency in being positive is also important, especially during tough days. Invest in your employees A worker’s happiness and well-being largely depends on a lot of things, including a workplace that is susceptible to productivity and creativity, not to mention very comfortable. More than anything, however, they thrive on opportunities for advancement and in knowing they serve a vital purpose. Employees want to be in an environment where they can share similar values and goals with the company, and can contribute to the overall success of a mission. This is why it is important to set clear goals and to constantly remind workers about

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