Maternal Health Case Study

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Introduction Trends, Significance, and Rationale Understanding the diseases that affect maternal and child health (MCH) is a global public health concern. Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period while child health specifically refers to physical, mental and social well-being of a child (World Health Organization, 2014). MCH is a dynamic field that aims to improve the health of women, children, youth, and entire families and communities, while addressing health inequities and the systems and policies that contribute to family health (Boston University-School of Public Health, 2014). Both maternal and child health are included to be improve as part of the eight global established integrated…show more content…
Before conducting health education to the people, all health professions (participants for the outreach program) in Bablu Island will be trained for at least 1 month before doing outreach education to the people in Bablu Island. Accessibility to health care personnel/workers As shown in table 2.3 and figure 2.3, more than half of the participants have limited access to healthcare services due to unavailability of healthcare facilities and services. The data indicated that 53.6% of the respondents have limited access to health services while 46.4% respond with good accessibility. The result also specified that the only provided health services are child well clinic and family planning service but no-prenatal and post-natal clinics. Objective: • To improve availability and quality of health facilities (hospital, health center, and dispensary) and establish more services (pre-natal and post natal clinic) to the people in Bablu Island.…show more content…
Various factors are affecting the quality and delivery of the services whereby needs of improvement and awareness is needed. The outcome of the study illustrates a that more people are aware of the contributing factors, however there are still numbers who are aware and not aware of maternal and child health which signify the proposed strategies as mentioned above. It is perceived that, there is still improvement on MCH in Bablu. Factors contributed to MCH in Bablu can be reverse through training programs to the health staffs, strengthening of public education & awareness program to the people and restructuring and establishment of services to maintain availability and quality of the

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