Blood Transfusion Research Paper

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INTRODUCTION Blood transfusion plays significant roles in the obstetrics. Obstetric haemorrhage is one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality in developing countries (WHO, Owonikoko et al, 2014). Globally, it has been reported that annually, obstetric hemorrhage is the common cause of estimated one hundred and twenty seven thousand maternal deaths. Furthermore, massive and deadly obstetric hemorrhage occurs in 3 to 5% of deliveries and in 0.3 to 1% of the deliveries, transfusion of blood products is required. Shigetaka et al,( 2012) Prevention of mortality from bleeding will necessitate urgent intervention such as blood transfusions (Owonikoko et al, 2014). In other to attain good outcome, blood transfusion has to be done…show more content…
Therefore, since the advent of blood transfusion into medical practice, its judicious use has been a topic of discussion and debate. (Tadesse, Gashaw, Zewditu, Birehanemeskel, 2013). Schantz-Dunn and Nawal MN explained that in other to decide whether transfusion should be performed or not, it is very important to know the exact measurement of blood loss, patient’s age, medical condition, blood biochemical data and vital signs. However, right estimate of blood loss seems impossible in obstetric hemorrhage (Schantz-Dunn J, Nawal MN.( 2011). According to Dorcas et al, Since infection can be transmitted during its asymptomatic phase, many lives may have also been lost through blood transfusion while lives could have also been saved through blood transfusion. (Dorcas et al,2014) It is therefore important to tackle the issue of blood transfusion in Obstetrics and gynaecology. Thus, the study aimed to identify common diagnosis of patients who had transfusion and review blood products administration in patients with obstetric…show more content…
Among these 547 patients,one hundred and fifty three were booked while 412 (72.9%) were unbooked patients. The mean age of the patients was 30 ± 5.7 years with majority , 172 (30.4%) being between 30 and 34 years. The median parity was 2 (range 0-9) while 120(23.0%) were primigravidae. Three hndred and sixty one (63.9%) patients did not have their educational status documented in their case notes. Out of the 204 patients with educational status, majority, 121(59.3%) had tertiary education. Table 2 shows that 106 (18.8%) had had history of C/S and out of these, 83(78.3%) had experienced CS only once while just 2 (1.8%) had been exposed to CS three times before. Fifty-three of patients had been transfused before. Two hundred and forty-one (48.7%) delivered by emergency Caeserean section and only 6(1.4%) had operative vaginal

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