Edward Seymour: The Reign Of Henry VII Of England

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He suffered with what we now know as tuberculosis, and was in great pain for the last 6 months of his life. It was in this time when he knew he was going to die, and who would rule after him. He had had a good relationship with his two older sisters, although disagreed with Mary over her Catholic beliefs. Edward had ruled as king with his uncle, Edward Seymour as his protector to rule on behalf of his nephew. However, Edward Seymour was removed from power by John Dudley, leader of the Privy Council and Duke of Northumberland. He was executed in 1552, replaced by John Dudley who took over the role of ruling the country on Edwards’s behalf. It was then when Edward drew up legal documents to disinherit his sisters from succeeding him. His two sisters had been restored before to the line of succession in the Third Succession Act of 1544 by his father Henry…show more content…
Instead, he named Lady Jane Grey, (first cousin once removed and also the daughter-in-law of John Dudley) to be his successor. Lady Jane Grey did have a qualifying connection to the throne, as she was the great -granddaughter of Henry VII through his younger daughter Mary. It is thought he did not name Elizabeth as his successor (she was protestant and his sister) because of both her and Mary being declared illegitimate, and may have been influenced by John Dudley. He wanted the country to remain Protestant due to his strong religious beliefs. This succession was indeed influence by religion, as it was due to his religion that he did not choose Mary as his heir. However, some manipulation may have gone on, as the Duke of Northumberland was keen to begin his own dynastic line. This shows that the dispute of Edward’s succession could be seen as a mixture between religion and manipulation. He would never have named Mary as his successor due to her strong Catholicism, but why he didn’t name Elizabeth is perhaps being persuaded and manipulated by John

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