Comparision Dispute Between Henry I, Elizabeth I And Edward VI

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From the periods 1534 to 1558 succession disputes to the English throne were greatly influenced by the role of religion from the inheritance of Henry VIII. Mary I, Elizabeth I and Edward VI all had claims to the throne, but due to gender prejudices and their own personal religious beliefs, as well as the way society thought at that time, succession disputes occurred. This essay will also look at other reasons as to why these monarchs chose the heirs they did, including legitimacy, personal choice, and manipulation within the English monarchy. Throughout Henrys life, he was desperate for a male heir. Henry VIII was the second eldest child of Henry VII, and so took over the succession of the throne of England when his brother (Arthur) died at an early age. His attitude was that it was essential for a son to carry on the Tudor name and to lead the country. Social attitudes at the time were also that…show more content…
During his reign, Henry converted England from a Catholic country to a Protestant one, known as The Church Of England, in order to allow him a divorce from Catherine of Aragon. This would allow him to marry Anne Boleyn, a move which he hoped would bring him a male heir. However, Elizabeth I was born and Anne suffered many miscarriages, and by the time she was beheaded of suspected adultery, Henry still did not have a male heir. After marrying his third wife, Jane Seymour, Henry finally became a parent of a legitimate son, Edward VI. This changed the line of succession for Henry and it was planned for the order to be Edward > Mary > Elizabeth. This was the third time the line had been changed, as Henrys wives gave birth to their children. Religion was not a factor

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