Similarities Between Christianity And Buddhism

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Buddhism and Christianity are both religions that have been around for thousands of years. There are many aspects of Christianity that correspond with Buddhism and vice-versa. One of the most important similarities between the two religions is that they both have a founder or originator—Christianity being Jesus Christ, and Buddhism being Siddhartha Gautama, unlike some religions that have no founder. Despite that these two religions share similarities, they also feature many differences. Jesus is the son of Mary and Joseph, who were residents of Nazareth. Mary the virgin was engaged to Joseph at that time. During Jesus’ birth, Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem by donkey (New Revised Standard Version Bible, Luke 2:4), so they…show more content…
The priest accused Jesus for being the King, and condemned him to death. The Roman soldiers whipped and beat Jesus, as they placed the crown of thorns on his head; and sent him of to Mt. Calvary. Jesus was crucified with two thieves. Above Jesus’ head was the charge against him “King of the Jews.” At his feet, was his mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. While Jesus was on the cross; the sky darkened, and right before his death an earthquake occurred. As Jesus died, a soldier stuck a spear into his side confirming his death; which only produced water. Jesus was then taken down from the cross, and buried in a tomb; and rose on the third day with all…show more content…
At his birth, his name was Siddhartha Guatama. Buddha was born in the year of 600 B.C.E. (Lama, Chodron, and Gunaratana 1). “Buddha was born and grew up near what is now the India-Nepal border in the fifth and sixth century B.C.E.” (Lama, Chodron, and Gunaratana 1). As Guatama spent several nights in deep meditation, the answers he had been seeking became profound; which is where the name Buddha took precedence. Buddah’s birth name Siddhartha means “he who achieves aim.” His father was a king who ruled the tribe, was known to be economically poor. Buddha’s mom passed away seven days after giving birth to him, but a righteous man prophesied to him as a baby informing him of great things for the future. Advising him that he'd be a great king like his father, a military leader, or a great spiritual leader. Buddha’s dad moved and raised him in luxury, so he wouldn't have to see and partake in the struggles and sufferings of the
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