The Existence Of God In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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19th century Victorian England was full of many controversial changes; the existence of God was starting to be questioned due to the expression of Darwinism. Although Darwinism was starting to take the world by storm, The Church of England still had a strong effect on people. An example of this culture shock that the country was going through would be Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Mary Shelley’s commentary on these topics is exemplified throughout the novel as Victor and his brother William, experience the flaws of religion, the complications of science, and the loss of self. Readers of Frankenstein often focus on the scientific implications of the novel, although the use of science is apparent throughout the novel, Shelley weaves in many religious and mythological aspects. William Frankenstein, the younger brother of Victor Frankenstein, is an accurate illustration of the religious aspects that were incorporated in the novel. William is often described by only his physical appearance; though he doesn’t have as big of a role to play in the novel his reaction to the Monster is significant.…show more content…
Though William was still a child, his mind had already been molded by the imposed norms in society, his hateful criticism of the Monsters outer appearance resulted in his death. Although William was described as someone who had “sweet laughing blue eyes, dark eye-lashes, and curling hair” he was anything but angelic. Upon meeting the Monster for the first time William claimed that the Monster wanted to eat him and that he was an ogre. Since William was only six years old, the Monster didn’t consider the chance of a negative reaction due to his assumption that children had yet to interpret what a monster truly

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