Managing Oneself Analysis

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Managing Oneself and How to Makes Friends and Influence People People live in the world where socialization has become a necessity. Without being able to reach out to others, a person cannot experience growth and development. However, dealing with other people requires self-management. Meaning, a person should know himself best because it is only in this understanding that he is able to make friends with the people surrounding him, or even influence them. In light of this assertion, this paper will assess how a person can make friends and influence other people, as he masters how to manage himself. Managing Oneself Peter F. Drucker's Managing Oneself has crucial lessons which guide readers as to how they manage their personal career.…show more content…
66) emphasized that the idea that most people think they know what they are good at is usually wrong. As a matter of fact, people know what they are not capable of doing. Yet, it must be emphasized that a person can perform only from his own strength. As such, one cannot expect to build performance based on his weaknesses. To be more efficient, Drucker (2008, p. 66) emphasized that becoming more efficient and performing ten times more requires a person to focus on his best. When he focuses on his efforts and energy, he builds is career with this strength as the foundation. When a person does this, he can ensure himself of more success. Understanding How You Learn Best Drucker (2008, p. 68) asserted that some people learn best whenever they listen. On the other hand, others learn best when they read. In addition, there are also people who learn when they write it down. Once a person understands and recognizes how he learns best and retains information, he is able to improve his strengths and acquire knowledge and expertise more effectively and powerfully. Understanding How Your Work…show more content…
Drucker (2008) stressed out that a person should focus on his strengths rather than his weaknesses. In addition, he emphasized that a person should understand how he learns best and understands how he works best. These takeaways serve as a foundation for a person to win friends and influence other people. As mentioned by Carnegie (1981), a person can only win friends when he does not immediately criticize, condemn or complain. On the other hand, a person can only influence other people when he is able to win them with the way he thinks. Considerably, this aspect requires managing oneself. Based on this discussion, it is evident that making friends and influencing people is not an easy task. However, when it is done with sincerity, it can be easily done. Both of these books are best recommended for people who find it hard to understand themselves. Aside from that, these books can help people who are not so good in making friends and influencing other

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