Accounting System Analysis

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CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Varying variables affect the academic performance of an individual. To explain the reason on how different factors relate to the resulting performance of the students, the IPO or Input-process-output concept will be used. IPO model is generally an approach in system analysis where the relation of inputs and outputs are being analyzed. As explained by Janilo Sarmiento (2012), a researcher from Bohol Island State University, the inputs are the variables from the external environment or are outside that are put into the cycle to be processed. Process is the point where the inputted data are being transformed to a new variable. It is the most important element of the system because it is in the process phase where operations…show more content…
Presented in this section are different studies –both local and foreign, and other different articles that are closely related to the topic. Since the paper is focused on the different factors that affect the academic performance of first year accounting students, it is good to know how first year college students in today’s generation, learn and study. In relation to this, a researched paper entitled, "Learning styles, Study habits, and Academic Performance of College students at Kalinga-Apayao State College, Philippines " (2013) that mentioned the different teaching and learning styles being being used in today’s generation, the different way a student study and its effects on their academic performances, specifically in College Algebra, was used. Evaluated in the abovementioned research are the impacts of the three learning styles –auditory, visual and tactile. And as a result, the respondents are found to be associated to visual and auditory learning instead of tactile, meaning to say, students learn easily during discussions and film viewing rather than during hands-on…show more content…
They took into consideration the different time perspective such as past-negative, past-positive, and the other time perspectives. With that, it was suggested that students with unorganized time management in addition with unfavorable psychological background, might have led to failure in first-year accounting. Time management skills therefore affect academic performance of college students. It can be suggested that improved time management skills may enhance academic performance. Unfortunately, time management behavior is not that easy to change immediately as evidenced by the research. In the case of the first year Accountancy and Accounting Technology students, they have many things to do that’s why time allocation is considered as another factor that affects his performance
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