RAKID Model Case Study: DKAR And RAKAD Model

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DIKAR/RAKID Model Case Study 1 This study represents a BI model for a leading technology and solutions provider DAI Source. Their first step to themselves providing a comprehensive business solution that would enhance their budgeting, planning and reporting it was essential that the raw structured data they had gathered was general client information such as names, reports, products bought and assuring that clients were guaranteed a modernized dashboard (DAI Admin, 2015, p.1). This allowed them to gain necessary information for improving its decision-making, for example the customer purchasing patterns for a product is seen as the “information” gained in this analysis. They begin to analyse and process where they are in the market environment…show more content…
It was evident that the company found it challenging to plan and budget effectively hence why they needed the necessary knowledge of IBM to help the organization in order to speed up the process and evidently showing the importance of the BI system. Given the companies growth rate it was essential that they needed a solution to their problem and that their current technologies were causing the company to miss out on valuable opportunities, as well as delaying decision-making process and slow operations. The planned business need was to allow staff to improve on the decision-making process and maximise their use of data provided, which included training for employees to be able to offer the ability of cutting the times for data processing and improving the confidence in their…show more content…
The size of the company holds over 5TB’s of data, which is extracted by 77 systems and can be accessed by over 630 users storing also an additional load of smart meters allowing them to accommodate the extreme amount of data/information collected from the meters and new infrastructure installations. (Business Intelligence, 2013, p.12) The knowledge that was generated from this data/information was taken to implement an ERP system to standardize data structures that gave the company the ability to integrate its business processes, which over a period of time refined their business process. It was evident that the business outcome was to improve the delivery of information by using key performance indicators from the data allowing the company to improve the company’s decision-making process. The company’s needs for having the BI system was to turn the data they would gather from their ERP systems was to be transferred into necessary knowledge they can use in the future based on their results. They approached this by developing an information management strategy to provide some guiding principles for the implementation and use of the BI to ensure a closer alignment with the company needs. The information management strategy was multi-faceted when applied; reflecting an understanding of the different aspect of a BI, the actions

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