Swot Analysis Of Audi

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Task 4: In terms of Audi positioning, Audi is a very luxury brand which pointed toward. While its products have reached a level of technical and design excellence way ahead of their time, Audi doesn’t rest there. Luxury automobile market is one of the highest barriers of entry around. But it is not just manufacturing cost that makes it difficult. As luxury cars become popular, it requires innovative marketing to convince customers that your product is more than just good, you have got to show them buying your product is a big investment and has the potential to change your life. Audi recognizes that requirement and takes the time and care to ensure that the car not only suits the driver but the driver suits the car. Audi around the brand positioning, the media and public relations, event marketing, advertising, combined with a variety of ways, the use of integrated marketing systems, smart but deep and away the world's mind. The luxury-car makers are pursuing larger sales volumes by shifting into more affordable vehicles such as smaller compact cars. But this is a risky strategy, says Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, head of the Center for Automotive Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen. In a study published recently, Mr. Dudenhöffer concluded that Audi’s profit per car…show more content…
Geographic variation, generational factors, distinctions between first-tier and lower-tier cities, and gender preferences – all must be carefully taken into consideration if localization is to be smart and profitable. Because Japanese people support and buy their own brands and products made nationally. In other words, it is tough to enter Japanese market and break into domestic existing market for foreign brands. But degree of localization should be taken into account for luxury products, in order to avoid eroding brand equity and hurting bottom

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