MICE Opportunities In Hospitality Industry

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Tourism is one among the major segments which the new government is seeking at to boost the economy of the Nation. After realising that, the MICE segment can be the best game changer for the growth of the tourism, the ministry of tourism also adopted an approach which is aggressive to promote the segment. The new tourism policy in fact have to be released anytime soon has identified MICE as the leading growth driver for the tourism industry in India. MICE is the new buzzword which relates to varied GIT’s and FIT’s in the international travel market. MICE tourism is the new and innovative style of business venture and is one of the quickest growing sections in the market of International business tourism. It is catering to distinct needs of…show more content…
A perfect MICE destination can be popularized by incorporating better infrastructure, facilities and competitive cost of travel and stay. a) Meetings: Meetings gather people at one place for the purpose of sharing information, discussing and solving problems. The attendance of the meeting can range from ten to thousands of people. There will be usually be food and beverage served during the meeting but varies sometimes depending on the type of the meeting. Most of the time, meetings refers to corporate meetings that are held by companies in the following ways: Board Meetings: The directors meetings of a corporation usually held annually come under this category. Management Meetings: In a corporation, the managers from different regions meet when necessary to make decisions for the corporation. Shareholder Meetings: Investors who own a share in a company meet quarterly, these kinds of meetings comes under shareholder meetings. Training Seminars: Companies will conduct these training seminars to train employees when…show more content…
• The other factor is ‘Buying Power,’ it is defined as the strength of the exchange rate in the countries being considered as the destination for the trip. • Political climate is the other factor which provides alert for destinations with political turmoil. • The safety and Security is one of the major factors taken into consideration after 1911 incident • The value of facilities and services compared with other destination choices • The uniqueness of experience taken to consideration whether these participants have uniqueness of experience • The final factor to be considered is getting known about the earlier experience of the trip. For example, if you are planning an incentive trip to Hong Kong, check out the Hong Kong tourism board website to find out the details about which activities can be included in the

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