Descriptive Paragraph Mall

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The Mall As a young lady, growing up, there was always one place that I loved to be for multiple reasons. The idea of walking around, spending money, meeting new people, eating, excited sales persons, and entertainment all in one place was very exciting to have at a young age. Every Saturday was devoted to being at this place to not only spend time with my parents, but to splurge with the money that I did not have or own at that time. Now being 17 years of age, The Mall of Louisiana has taken on a whole new meaning! As I walk into the mall through the South entrance, the smell of burnt rubber is the first thing that encompasses my nostrils! The escalators are swiftly moving backwards and forward carrying men, women, boys, and girls to the Food Court area. The first thing that catches my eye is the enormous amount of teenagers my age walking around with the latest in clothing, accessories, and technology; the newest Jordan tennis shoes, tights, shorts, big t-shirts, huge earrings, iPhones, Androids and so many other “new age” products. Most of them seem to be there for multiple reasons sic has hanging out, finding a mate, or just for attention as a whole, but not many seem to be there for the shopping experience at all!…show more content…
I then skip on to Charley’s, where I buy myself the best bacon-three cheese philly cheesesteak. While sitting down, I notice the Carousel, which is full of ecstatic children who have seemed to have exhausted their parents. The parents, now seated with their children on the carousel, have the look of relief as if they have just ran a 800-meter dash at a track meet and they have just reached the finished

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