Lord Of The Flies Human Nature Analysis

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Throughout history, it has been shown that people have been violent towards each other. This is evident in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding because the author expresses that children need a social structure to conceal their natural instincts. Some may believe that The Lord of the Flies is a harmless tale. However, the experiences the boys go through captures the true essence of human nature that progressed throughout the novel. Golding wrote Lord of the Flies to shine light upon our natural instincts and our inner selves. Humanity’s innate or animalistic behavior is portrayed through being aggressive, stubborn, and impulsive. The theme that humans are naturally animalistic is seen through the behavior of Jack Merridew’s and his…show more content…
Jack believes with “simple arrogance” that “‘[he] ought to be chief’” because he is the “chapter chorister and head boy. [he] can sing C sharp (19).” He thinks that just because he’s a choir boy, he feels it’s relevant to point out he can sing C sharp and doesn’t think he's capable of more. Jack doesn’t know the qualities and responsibilities of a leader. Since he can lead a small group of schoolboys, he thinks that’s enough to lead an entire group. He’s incapable of leading a group with his childish abilities, let alone the responsibility and the death of others. Also speaking with “simple arrogance” suggests this is only a small part of what’s to come. Jack shows his top layer, a childish schoolboy, who thinks he can do anything he sets his mind to. Jack learns to make friends, while carrying wood ”[Ralph and Jack] grinned at each other, sharing this burden.” In this moment time stopped “the shouting, the slanting sunlight on the high mountain, was shed with glamour, that strange invisible light of friendship, adventure, and content (40).” Jack was able to work with Raph, he even had the potential to start a friendship with the chief. The “slanting sunlight” emphasizes what could’ve been if Jack's selfishness didn’t overcome him in the future. Jack’s character development starts off as an innocuous

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