Lord Of The Flies Text Analysis Essay

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Year ten English Studies Text Analysis: Lord of the Flies Identify and discuss the most significant symbol(s) in the novel and justify your choice (be able to explain why they are important). Be sure to use examples from the book and describe your own ideas. The dystopian adventure novel ‘Lord of the Flies’ was written by Sir William Golding in 1954. It is a work of fiction based on a group of school boys who become trapped on a deserted island, the boys attempt to organize themselves but eventually become uncivil and savage. Throughout the novel, Golding uses symbolism to portray certain beliefs, emotions, human instincts and characteristics. Three of the main examples of symbolism in the novel are the conch, the signal fire and the boys themselves. When piggy and Ralph initially meet on the island the find a large conch shell, which they use to call the other boys to a meeting. The boys create a rule that only the person holding the conch may speak. Golding uses the conch as a symbol of authority, power, order and civility. It is used throughout the novel to summon and to give the boy…show more content…
At the beginning of the novel the boys think of the fire as highly important and Jack claims the he and his hunters will take on the responsibility of keeping the fire going. As the boys become more detached from civilization, and more obsessed with hunting, they forget about how important the fire is to them and start to neglect it. This shows that the boys have lost their desire for rescue and have accepted their fate of savagery and life on the island. Ralph insists that the boys must be rescued and urge the boys to keep the fire going. At one stage he calls a meeting and speaks to the boys about them letting the fire go out, saying “The fire is the most important thing on the island. How can we ever be rescued except by luck, if we don’t keep a fire going? Is a fire too much for us to make?” (Golding, pg

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