Lord Of The Flies Are Humans Inherently Evil

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Adrian Torreflores Mrs. Cook Language Arts 1A Honors Period 6 27 October 2014 Are Humans Inherently Evil? For many years, people have asked, are humans inherently evil? There has been a number of experiments and controversy around this single question. There have also been humans who have shown true good, but also humans that have shown true evil. In the book Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, there have been examples of both inherently good and evil, and the idea that humans are not inherently evil. There have been many examples in the novel that show humans are good-hearted. William Golding shows the innocence and good in the character Ralph when, “the tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself up to them now for the first time on the island; great, shuddering spasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body” (202). Golding writes how Ralph,…show more content…
In the article “ Are We Naturally Good or Bad?” the author explains man’s interpretation of our decisions when Tom Stafford states: “At a minimum though, it shows that tightly bound into the nature of our developing minds is the ability to make sense of the world in terms of motivations, and a basic instinct to prefer friendly intentions over malicious ones” (Source 1). What the Tom Stafford is saying is that humans from young to old understand what is right from wrong. Also, our minds tend to enjoy seeing good acts rather than evil ones. Another example of non-evil is in the short story “Most Dangerous Game”. The author shows the good in one character in the following quote: “‘For the hunter’, amended Whitney. ‘Not for the jaguar’” (Connell). Richard Connell gives the reader the idea of how Whitney feels for animals and his kindness towards them. Whitney gives sympathy for the animals they are hunting. These articles and short stories show there are still much good in humans on
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