Evil In Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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Golding proves that humans are inherently evil through the boy’s belief of the beast, the sow’s head, and Jack’s loss of innocence. To begin with, Golding displays the evil within humans through the belief of the Beast. At first this belief is regarded as a joke or childish nightmare, but slowly intensifies as the novel progresses. When the boys mistake the dead parachutist for a monster, their belief turns into fear and they start to worship it like a god. All civilization on the island diminishes quickly and rules and morals no longer have any importance in their world. The depth of the boy’s devotion to the Beast is evident when they give it offerings: “‘So leave the mountain alone,’ said the chief solemnly, ‘and give it the head if you go hunting.’” (Golding 161). The belief of the Beast is no longer a childish nightmare, but now a religious figure to which the savages worship. The boys’ behavior brings the beast into existence, the more savage they are, the more vivid the beast seems to…show more content…
Jack’s feud with Ralph begins when he is denied the position of chief. From then on, Jack continually pushes his boundaries of his position in the group. Jack’s obsession with hunting and painted faces turns him over to bloodlust and his savagery has a profound influence on the group. Jack’s love of authority and violence allow him to feel powerful and exalted. He uses the fear of the Beast to control the behavior of his tribe and eliminate those who do not obey his orders: “‘They hate you Ralph. They’re going to do you.’ ‘They’re going to hunt you tomorrow.” (Golding 188). By the end of the novel, Jack and his forces of savagery have risen to an unchallenged importance on the island, and his manhunt has won out the peaceful, civilized, way of life. Jack’s desires of bloodlust and power were able to influence the group and have ended the civilized way of
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