Analyzing John Sayles 'Eight Men Out'

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Baseball’s most memorable moments are not always the game winning pitch or the run that ties the game, but instead are the events that are remembered for being notorious such as the ‘Black Sox’ scandal of 1919. The 1919 Chicago White Sox are considered by some to be one of the greatest baseball teams of all time. The White Sox had made it to the World Series after beating St. Louis in the final round of the playoffs. All odds favored the White Sox to defeat the Cincinnati Reds in the 1919 World Series, but it was the influence of professional gamblers and unsatisfactory wages from the team’s owner, Charles Comiskey, which induced eight of the best players from the White Sox to throw the series. The 1988 film “Eight Men Out” directed by John…show more content…
As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, the film focused on the story behind the scandal and left viewers to analyze the meaning, causes, and effects of the scandal on baseball and American society. I think viewers generally responded in two different groups to the outcome of the film. The first group of viewers believes that all of the players who were banned deserved to be banned. The second group of viewers understands why the players joined the scandal after analyzing the film. At first, I found myself in the first group of viewers. My opinion towards the film and the outcome was objective: the players broke the law, so, therefore, they deserved to be banned from major league baseball. But as I have been writing and researching for this paper, my views have shifted towards the second group of viewers. The film leaves out a great deal of historical context behind the scandal., Now after viewing the film and doing background readings on the 1919 World Series scandal, I understand the justifications behind the actions of all sides in the historical

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