Evil In Lord Of The Flies

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When one first plays with a Jack-in-the-box toy, he or she winds it up slowly, knowing it will soon spring open. After multiple times using a Jack-in-the-box, one will begin to wind it up faster, conditioned to expect when the toy will open. Could all of humankind be its own individual Jack-in-the-box? Humans are wound up incessantly by the crank of society until the Jack of evil springs out of them. Humans are wound up faster and faster every time an evil act is committed. Humans are wound up more and more as their ticking cranks continually lead them down a path of destruction until they cannot keep themselves from committing evil. All humans must be their own individual Jack-in-the-boxes as their inherent evil reveals itself as a Jack.…show more content…
Readers can consider Ralph as being civilized, but Ralph, like all of us, has many compelling urges caused by his curiosity and frustration that bring out the evil inside of him. When Lord of the Flies begins, Ralph meets a boy called Piggy, but Piggy does not like to be called by that name. When the other boys on the island gather together and meet each other, Ralph cries out that the boy’s name is “not Fatty. His real name’s Piggy!” (Golding 18). This is the reader’s first insight into Ralph’s urges of evil as he tries to impress the others by making fun of Piggy. The other boys on the island persuade Ralph into going hunting with them, and while they are hunting, the thrill of hitting a pig exhilarates Ralph. Ralph excitedly speaks, “I hit [the pig], and the spear stuck in a bit. [...] I hit him all right. The spear stuck in. I wounded him!” (128). The experience of the adrenaline of hunting brings out the evil intrinsically living inside of Ralph and displays that his evil comes with him to the island. Near the end of the novel, the other boys make Ralph so exasperated that he screams at Jack, his archenemy, “You’re a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!” (207). The other boys do not listen to Ralph or what he has to say, so Ralph erupts into fury. The boys, inherently evil themselves, and the island did not teach Ralph how to be evil. They simply represent the crank of society that stimulates

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