Similarities Between Creation And Frankenstein

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The Creation and Frankenstein: Character Reflections and Social Conditionings In the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, both the characters the Creation and Frankenstein reflect each other’s’ inner most self through personality and actions in order to show how each of the characters are actually one in the same. Frankenstein’s creation is simply Frankenstein’s attempt to recreate himself through the actual act of assembly and narration. Therefore Frankenstein mistreatment of the Creation is a case of Victor being unable to bear himself. This reflection of self is demonstrated through the similarities between the Creation and Frankenstein’s personalities, evidence of how the Creation is a reflection of Frankenstein, and evidence of Frankenstein’s…show more content…
Shelley also alludes to self-projection in the introduction of the book “Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay, To mould me Man, did I solicit thee, From darkness to promote me?”. This quote is demonstrated when Frankenstein assembles the creature from “natural parts” therefore giving him a “natural” origin. Yet Mary Shelley chooses to never give the monster any identifying features besides his eyes, never names the creature, and does not allow the Creation to establish an origin himself (“Who was I? What was I? Whence did I come?” (Shelley 174) .This allows the Creation to be a blank state which Frankenstein assert his own self-concept and ideals onto. His “yellowish, dull eyes” or “watery eyes” (Shelley 85) are the only real parts of the Creation that are described that can allude to identity because often times in literature eyes are thought of to be a reflection of oneself. But it is this physical attribute that Shelley chooses to also make Frankenstein see in himself and to distinguish on the Creation. Later on in the story it also this physical attribute of eyes that Frankenstein sees in a mirror and exclaims that he is the true monster. One must also note that it is no coincidence that in popular culture, Frankenstein is mistaken to be the name of the monster. Frankenstein is also reflected in the Creation’s inability to connect to others. Frankenstein ties his identity in relations to others yet he constantly feels disconnected towards others and talks about them like objects (Saletto). “The analysis of Frankenstein…revolves around the idea of singular characters, characters that feel isolated from both civilization and their families, by circumstances beyond their control and personal choice” (Hendry 6). This inability
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