Are Humans Inherently Evil In Lord Of The Flies

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William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies helps give an understanding on whether humans are inherently evil. The novel tells the story of a group of English boys that are left stranded on an island after their plane is shot down, with no adults or a civilised society to guide them the boys over time start to turn to savagery. The clothing the boys wear symbolise their civilised behaviour but as time passes less clothing is worn by the boys and their savagery behaviour increases. The novel strongly suggests that man is naturally evil; it also informs us of our potential to turn to savages if there are no rules to follow. In a situation when a society is no longer able to control a man’s behaviour, the evil within us increases which therefore leads to violence and savage behaviour. William Golding states that humans, when free from a civilised society have the ability to turn to savagery, this theme are explored in the novel through the killing of the Simon, the beast and Jack’s desire for power.…show more content…
Golding uses Simon’s killing on the island to show the boys have turned to savagery. Unlike the rest of the boys Simon is very kind and selflessness. Simon symbolises the small portion of mankind that has goodness in them no matter what situation, many of the other boys do not have the same goodness. As Simon gets killed, any purity or goodness on the island is gone. Jack and his tribe do not feel any guilt to what they have done; this is because killing has now become their second nature. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!” (Golding, pg. 168) while the boys are doing their chant Jack mistakes Simon for the beast and they beat him to death. Golding uses Simon’s death to illustrate that humans are inherently
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