Are Humans Inherently Born Good Research Paper

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Eric Burdon once stated,” Inside each of us, there is a seed of both good and evil. It’s a constant struggle as to which one will win And one cannot exist without the other”. A topic of debate that people are constantly arguing about is whether people are born naturally good or evil. It has been said that humans are inherently born good. There are several examples that show this and one of them is that humans are inherently good because they have sympathy and empathy for one another, they would sacrifice things themselves for another person, and humans have the ability to feel guilt.One reason that suggest that humans are inherently born good is because they have sympathy and empathy for one another. In the book,”Lord of the flies,” “We can’t…show more content…
Another indication of why humans are born good is when a man was giving away his shoes to a homeless women in Rio De Janeiro("35 Heartwarming Photos That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity”). The man who gave away his shoes knew right away that this woman is living in poor conditions based by her clothing. Instead of ignoring her, the man decided to give her his shoes because the road is very rough and dirty. It is important to note this because this proves that humans are willing to sacrifice themselves for another person in need. This is important because this situation suggest that humans are willing to sacrifice themselves for another person.Additionally, humans are able to feel guilt whenever they choose to do wrong. In the book, ”Lord of the Flies”, Ralph feel guilty when he says,”"Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy"(Golding 12). By looking at this quote, readers can assume that Ralph is guilty because he murdered Piggy as well as the group. Even though murder is evil, Mob mentality is uncontrollable and Ralph regrets his uncontrollable violent behavior.

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