Lone Working Policy

2008 Words9 Pages
This essay will look at the effectiveness of the lone working policy when relating to a work based study. It will aim to evaluate the policy and discuss how effective this policy is in practice. I currently volunteer at CRI Inspire which is a drug and alcohol service for adults with substance misuse problems. I have worked in a number of different roles providing support and also support for the family and carers. Policies are clear and simple statements of how a particular organisation intends to conduct its services, actions or business. They communicate the organisations values and the expectations of the employee’s behaviour and performance. A work based policy should set out the aim, explain why the policy was developed and list all those…show more content…
Organisational wide policies apply to all relevant staff as a statement of what they must do. All policies should be reviewed at least every three years, and in some cases an earlier review should be undertaken if there has been any significant change. (Salford Royal, NHS Foundation, 2015). Also addressed in policies are major issues, and principles, organisational wide policies apply to all relevant staff as a requirement of something they must do. The document is a formal document which is legally binding therefore its purpose and responsibilities that are outlined must be upheld. (Heart of England, NHS FOUNDATION TRUST, No date). Both policies and procedures define what the organisation does and also how to do it, by making it clear means there will be less misunderstandings or debates of what to do in particular situations. These will include a recruitment policy, a health and safety policy, including employment laws on discipline, sickness, family leave and flexible working arrangements. A data protection policy will ensure that confidentiality about information regarding staff, volunteers and members of the public is respected. (RCVDA,…show more content…
They must look after their own health and safety and also of those who could be affected by what they do. All CRI staff must follow health and safety policies by ensuring that the safe working practices are followed at all times. Any personal protective equipment such as personal alarms and mobile phones provided by CRI must be used when and where required. Mobile phones are issued whilst working in the community and the calling in and out system must be used. On site if there are no fixed alarms in interview rooms then a mobile alarm must be signed out to the specific room and back in when the interview is finished. In the event of an accident or incident occurring whilst working alone a Datix form which is an online accident reporting form must be completed. (CRI,

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