Who Is Pulcheria's Letter To Raskolnikov

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In the novel Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky’s characterization of Svidrigailov and Sonia reveals the correlation of money and suffering prevalent in Russian society. Money is a factor in many of the events in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Characters suffer to gain money and others utilize money to cause suffering. Although suffering is a motif in Crime and Punishment, it is made clear what types of suffering the most prevalent characters face. The characters who faced financial disparity were more likely to find peace and happiness compared to those who gained pleasure by taking advantage of those who are financially inferior to them. Despite this phenomenon in the novel and in reality, Dostoevsky gives a realistically happy ending to…show more content…
However, his suicide shows that regardless of his wealth, he will succumb to an end that is fitting for his crime. Svidrigailov is portrayed as a villainous man from the very first mention of his name in Pulcheria’s letter. In this letter to Raskolnikov, Pulcheria explains how Svidrigailov, “lost all control and had the face to make Dounia an open and shameful proposal, promising her all sorts of inducements and offering, besides, to throw up everything and to take her to another estate of his, or even abroad” (Pg. 32). At first glance, the depiction of Svidrigailov’s behavior toward Dounia is just an infatuation and a need to impress. The offer of money, running away to his other estate or abroad seems like a cinderella story come true, but it is just manipulation in disguise. He knows that Dounia is affiliated with his family because she needs money to provide for herself and her family, and to pay of debts. Svidrigailov is an older, established man who has his own family, it’s common sense that his attention would have a negative outcome. He took advantage of her financial situation by placing a hard to resist offer given her situation. When she denies his offer, it only solidifies his obsession with her, which indicates that she may be the first of his many non consensual conquests to deny him. Another instance of Svidrigailov taking advantage of another…show more content…
This may sound strange, however insecurities, feelings of inadequacy and awkwardness are prevalent throughout adolescence and having someone who showers you with attention and expresses their desire can absolve those feelings and replace it with a sense of duty and repayment to the admirer. This is another way Svidrigailov takes advantage of her age, he knows that she has that mentality and uses it to his liking to mold a wife who is more accepting, controllable and feels indebted to him. Svidrigailov used his money, power and experience to try and most times succeed in conquering those less fortunate than him without regard for the impact on their lives. Even on his confession he didn't seem to have remorse for the people’s lives he destroyed throughout his life. Despite this, readers are still more inclined to feel sorry for him because he helped out Sonia this one time and assumed that he showed remorse because he made a spectacle of himself before committing suicide. But why would the only true villain in Crime and Punishment off himself to absolve himself of his crippling guilt and seek redemption after a

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