Physical Education Rationale

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1.1 Introduction In this chapter the researcher will give an overview of the rationale, aims and objectives, and the overview. 1.2 Rationale The researcher has chosen to carry out research on the following topic which is ‘How would the implementation of substantial physical activity have an impact on children’s learning and development between 4-8 year olds in primary school. The researcher has an interest on how physical activity can help children to be more active and do better in school. Physical activity has many impacts for children’s learning and development. Children should be encouraged to go outside and run around. There has been an increase in childhood obesity in the last few years. In addition, the numbers for childhood obesity…show more content…
How schools receive funding for resources and equipment. To see if teachers are trained to teach physical activity. How many hours of physical activity children are getting. 1.4 Overview This research has been divided up into six different areas. The following is an outline of what is in each chapter. Chapter two: Literature Review In this chapter the following headings were discussed: physical activity, primary school physical education curriculum, other school curriculum, and impacts of physical activity on learning and being active through drama. Chapter three: Methodology In this chapter the following headings were discussed: methodology, data analysis, validity and reliability, ethics, limitations, strengths/ weaknesses and conclusion. Chapter four: Findings In this chapter the researcher has talked about the main themes that have come out of the findings. Chapter five: Discussions In this chapter the researcher discussed what has been found and linked the findings back to the literature review. Chapter six: Conclusion and Recommendations Form the finding and discussion, the researcher has concluded and gave recommendations of what has come out of the…show more content…
The curriculum is designed to nurture the child in all directions of his/her life – spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetics, social and physical (NCCA, 1999). Also stated in NCCA, (1999) the physical education curriculum provides opportunities for children to learn through movement. The primary focus is on the body and on physical experiences, allowing the child to develop physical skills and co-ordination (NCCA, 1999). It contributes to their social and personal development (NCCA, 1999). Furthermore NCCA (1999) states that the curriculum also sets out to meet the physical needs of the child through a consistent and comprehensive experience of movement and play that challenges the child to realize his or her individual physical potential (NCCA,1999). There is a wide range of physical experiences that are appropriate to the developmental needs of each child’s individual child in Games, Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics, outdoor and adventure activities, and aquatics (NCCA, 1999). Dance also gives the child opportunities to explore the potential of movement in order for children to express their ideas, emotions, and imaginative ideas (NCCA, 1999). Furthermore Paine (2014) also says that dance provides opportunity for children to explore and express moods and ideas symbolically through movement.

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