Effects Of Child Abuse

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Child abuse is maltreatment of a child given by a caregiver that results in the harm of a child, there are many forms of child abuse. The major ones that occur are physical abuse and neglect. What are the factors/conditions that lead to child abuse? How can kids be encouraged to tell about their abuse? What are the long-term effects of abuse? Child abuse emphasizes mental issue, neglect, and increased criminal activity. In 2014, state agencies identified an estimated 1,580 children who died as a result of abuse and neglect, between four and five children a day. Some adults who were abused as a child did not engage in criminal activities or have a mental issue later in life. Physical abuse is a method used as corporal punishment. Corporal…show more content…
Neglected children are more likely to show up in the juvenile system during their adolescent years. T (Laura). Children who are taken care of tend to feel unwanted and unable to express their feelings. The effect of neglect in older children is difficulties eating, sleep problems, lack of hygiene skills, and difficulties socializing with others. The effect on infants and toddlers is a chronic malnutrition of infant, growth retardation, and brain damage. Infants and toddlers tend to cry a lot more and have poor motor control. The effect on children between ages three to five years of age are isolated, lack impulse control and have the ability to delay gratification (Heidi 27). Children between ages three and five years of age normal are able to express happiness and have tons of energy throughout the day. But, a child who has been abused leads to loss of play time with others. The effects on school age children is they made display thinking patterns that are typical of a younger child and are not engaged in goal-directed activities (Child Welfare). School age children tend to be less involved in school and tried to be invisible to others. The effects on adolescents is they may not develop formal operational thinking skills and unfathomable maintaining relationships with others. (Heidi 32). When a child feels unwanted, the child is more likely to misbehave. Children that are maltreatment are more likely to have a eating disorder, trouble sleeping, self-harm, and absent from school more often. The lasting impacts of neglected is lack of hygiene, inability to be comfortable, and poor eye contact. Neglect could cause social and economic status to be lower due to child feeling not worthy to have a good life when he/she is

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