The Virgin Suicides

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Over the last fifty years, TV programmes and movies have become increasingly popular as time goes by, due to the easy access that the Internet provides. TV Shows and movies often portray mental illnesses in a negative light, frequently romanticizing and minimizing the issue through the use of comedy. This downplays the seriousness of mental illnesses, and may make individuals suffering from a mental illness feel like their mental health isn’t valid or an area of concern. The reality is that suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in America and over 90% of individuals that commit suicide suffer from a mental illness. The portrayal of mental health in the media continues to downplay the severity of it, which would help to explain the…show more content…
This is a great example of how the Internet prevents movies from being forgotten. There are several quotes and gifs from the movie on the Internet, especially on Tumblr. ‘The Virgin Suicides’ is guilty of romanticising depression and suicide, as it follows the life of young teenage boys who are obsessed with five suicidal sisters. It talks about how beautiful and mysterious the Lisbon sisters are, and how even after they commit suicide the boys obsess over them. They know so little about the sisters, only that they’re depressed and ‘mysterious.’ The other girls in their school are depicted as boring and undesirable, inferring that depression makes a person interesting and exciting. This gross misconception of mental illnesses is damaging to the audiences view on mental health. Everyone wants to be loved and admired, so ‘The Virgin Suicides’ showing five mentally ill sisters as the most desirable girls in town gives the impression that suicide is a guaranteed way to be loved. This ideology is still present today. People have this idea that having a mental illness instantly makes you more interesting and mysterious and it’s damaging to their mental…show more content…
When asked if she has an eating disorder by E! Host Debbie Matenopoulos, she replied with “Thank you so much. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.” Seemingly everything that celebrities say is documented and put on the Internet, for Amy Poehler to glamorize eating disorders that way is destructive to her fans mental health. It gives the impression that having an eating disorder is a good thing, and that you’ll be skinny and complimented if you have one. Similarly, singer Meghan Trainor said that she “isn’t strong enough to have an eating disorder” and that she “tried to go anorexic for three hours.” Meghan Trainor had quite a large fan base at the time, as she had just released her hit single “All About That Bass.” Her glamorization of eating disorders, and suggestion that girls suffering from this life threatening illness are strong, is an insult to all those who’ve recovered or are in recovery from an eating disorder. A few decades ago, celebrities’ opinions on things weren’t as vocalised as the Internet wasn’t advanced enough, but now teenagers all over the world have access to interviews with celebrities where they glamorize mental
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