Limits To Growth Theory

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Limits to Growth Theory According to ( Bardi 12), the limits to growth is a theory that was developed to show the effects of accelerating industrialization, the rapid population growth, the wide food production, the depression of non-renewable resources, and the deteriorating environment trends in the current world. If the developments continue unchanged, the globe will reach to its limit to growth within a hundred years. The concept was used to enable the determination of the characteristics of the world as it reaches its limit to growth. People and researchers reacted to this report where some individuals criticized it while others sided with it. The broad categories used in describing the future trends are mainly the sole features that affect…show more content…
Normally the collapse is as a result of the depletion of these resources. The industrial development takes in many resources hence enabling the economic growth. However, the numerous non-renewable resources continue to reduce leading to their price rise causing the reduction of investment capital (see graph 2). In the long run, economic overshoot collapses and other elements that depended on industrial development such as agricultural land reliance on fertilizers or hospital laboratories get affected. The population is affected regarding food shortage, health, and security among other issues. Consequently, the population decreases and the overall growth declines. Graph 3 The global pollution and its effect on the population Source: Meadows, Donella H. Limites Do Crescimento Um Relatorio Para O Projeto Do Clube De Roma Sobre O Dilema Da Humanidade. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1973. Print. An equilibrium state is achievable by maintaining the population and the capital at a constant level where birth and death rates, depreciation, and investment on capital rates become equal and minimum by use of long-term goals. The growth does not necessarily mean development and, therefore, limiting it is possible though difficult. Realistic long term objectives are better to use in the approach because short-term ones will lead to growing exponentially towards the…show more content…
Three conclusions were made in 1972 by the club of Rome during their predictions (Lietaer 56). According to them, the limits to growth will be reached within a hundred years if the trends of growth remain unchanged. However, trends can be altered by an establishment of stability both economic and ecological. If people in the world choose the second option that is economic and ecological stability, they should embark on working on it immediately so as to increase their chances of success. In the beyond limits to growth, these conclusions have been improved to more strengthened and achievable ones. The three conclusions made in the 40-year update of the initial version are; use of basic resources and increase in pollution levels are already beyond the physically sustainable level, if not reduced per capita production in industries, use of energy and food output will significantly decline. However, the decline can be avoided by revising the policies and activities that accelerate the growth of materials consumed and population or by increasing the efficiency of energy and materials used. However, it is economically and technically possible to sustain the society by enhancing compassion, wisdom and maturity (Roberts 131). The deterioration happening is as a result of

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