Learning New Language

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It is widely believed that “a different language is a different vision of life”. Language is the binding factor of our existence on this Earth and is the biggest tool of mass communication. The ubiquitous quality of language makes it imperative for everyone to be fluent in at least one language, which usually happens to be their mother tongue or the language of the region in which they are born. Earlier people faced the problem of ‘language barriers’ when they migrated to a different country and learning a new language was considered a humongous task. However in today’s ever changing world, it is much easier to learn new languages, and with the pristine aim of catering to the needs of the current demands for learning foreign languages, the…show more content…
Primarily,learning a new language boosts the power of the human brain. Getting used to the etymology, structure, grammar and pronunciation challenges our brainto interpret and learn new things. It is scientifically proven that multilingual people are also excellent at multitasking. Changing one’s language requires practice, not only for the tongue but also for the brain to shift between different language mechanics. This trains our mind to juggle between various things with proficiency. Many people believe that a new language only means a new set of words, but the benefits are deep rooted. Polyglots or multi lingual people are proven to have better decision making skills, because a student of language has to frequently judge the vernacular expressions and correct grammar usage while shifting from one language to another. This ability polishes the skill to decide quick and correctly. The mechanics of a foreign language are taught in a way that they are juxtaposed with English or the first language of the learner. This ensures that the student not only takes keen interest in the foreign language but his skills in his first language are also polished, in order to aid better understanding. A new language deepens the roots of the first language of the speaker. Besides these amazing benefits, a foreign language also opens many new doors for learning new cultures, and most importantly, it enables a student to run on a path of self- actualization and discovery, something which no one realises initially. Learning a foreign a language gives you an insight into a different heritage and makes you aware of how you view the world. The professional and personal benefits of learning a new language are apparently innumerable and the perfect form of exercise for the brain. The best part is that there is no age limit or specific criteria required to learn a language. You just need an inquisitive brain

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