Law School Admission Essay

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My first semester at East Carolina University (“ECU”) was in the summer of 1992. Graduating from the School of Education at ECU was my goal and I was going to teach kindergarten. I was in for a rude awakening. I was a transfer student from Peace College (“Peace”), class of 1992, consisting of approximately 250 women. I joined a sorority to form those “women bonds” I had left behind when I graduated from Peace. I sat in my first auditorium classroom with more people than my entire Peace graduating class. I decided I didn’t like teaching children. I liked going out too much and sleeping late. I didn’t care about school or my grades. I made a lot of mistakes. The one mistake I did not make was attempting to continue my education at this…show more content…
I enjoyed the diversity of the classes – criminal, civil, procedural, real estate, contractual – everything about the law fascinated me. I had a new-found interest and love of learning but I knew that this course of study had its limitations if I did not want to go to law school. I have been a practicing paralegal for 19 years and have practiced in every field of law imaginable. My coursework, while studying specifically in the paralegal field, as well as outside of the specialized field, have allowed me to develop a broad base that forms my thematic core. Classes focusing on specific areas of law gave me insight and education into various fields of law including litigation, contracts bankruptcy, real estate, procedural and administrative law, as well as other fields. Courses in statistics, finance, marketing, accounting and economics (among others) help to form part of the business base needed for my thematic core. Computer and information technology classes have helped to introduce new technology and reinforce knowledge regarding upgraded technology that will be crucial for anyone hoping to be a stand-out candidate for premier jobs. And finally, courses in speech, leadership, voice and diction, psychology and sociology provided the means necessary to develop self-confidence that will carry forth into the meeting rooms and board rooms which will hopefully be in the near

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