Affective Filter Hypothesis: Case Study

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The flashcard activity was great, students had an opportunity to interact actively and it helped to wake up the students. With a class of this size it's always difficult to actively engage students primarily because of the space, but the teacher managed his class well. It was clear that this teacher had a very good relationship with his students, and because of this good rapport students were open to his explanations. 11:40 Students are instructed to compile a paragraph individually. The teacher provides each one with an envelope with sentences in it. They have to re-arrange the sentences and provide punctuation where needed. The instructor walks around the classroom helping the groups. They then go over answers as a class. Due to good classroom management the teacher could quickly wrap up the previous activity and then lead the class into another…show more content…
What was really great about this lesson, was that the instructor kept reminding the students that within the following few days they would be getting a lot of practice with this. Students generally stay motivated and less anxious from the beginning if they know they’ll have time to review new material. Stephen Krashen proposed the “Affective Filter Hypothesis” in the 1970s, which proposed that certain emotions such as anxiety, self-doubt, and mere boredom interfere with the process of acquiring a second language (Hadley, 62)." As for the structure and activities of the lesson, the teacher included a great variety of activities. A great method of keeping students focused. Primarily, I think he used a CLT approach in this class and it was quite effective. "Communicative Language Teaching is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language (Hadley,

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