Land Question Case Study

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The "Land Question" is fundamental to thinking about how to respond to various spatial and socio-economic problems. Discuss how two existing (not imagined) cities have responded to the "Land Question" through its urban planning policies and strategies. Then, propose two or three principles which you think urban planners should follow in responding to the "Land Question" today. Introduction 200 Tokyo 500 situation redevelopment tool in Japan short analysis Principles balance public and private 300 see a whole picture 300 Conclusion 200 Final Essay – DEP5102 Semester 16/17 Dai Machida / A0152850J Introduction The “Land Question” has been one of central issues for urban planners. In order to tackle this…show more content…
It is basically a tool to carry out urban development in area consisted of different land ownerships. Land ownerships in Tokyo are generally fragmented because of several reasons. The one is that General Headquarters (GHQ) which was formed after World War Ⅱ broadly conducted the agrarian reform that had released land to tenants from huge landowners. Second, there is a few central government control of advancing urban development in Tokyo. The fragmentation of land due to these reasons causes difficulty to carry out an urban development project in Tokyo. There is a thousand of stakeholders getting involved in the process of each project. When a project is planned, it must deal with various needs of stakeholders. Therefore, planners need to discuss and understand what is the need of stakeholders while reconciling them with an objective of the development. It is often very complicated and time-consuming procedure. However, thanks to this complicated feature of land, lessons and know-how of redevelopments have been accumulated for…show more content…
Generally, land in cities often include a lot of social and political factors inside. It is often complicated and actually invisible. Consolidated landownership, for instance, is that several owners exist in one parcel of land, and the land proportion of each owner could be different. Oftentimes, the interests of people get involved are intricately intertwined. In order to tackle the Land Question in this kind of complicated situation when time is limited, planners should understand its main structure quickly. It must be on a case by case basis, but one essential step is to find key stakeholders related to a target site. They could be residents, companies, and even local or central governments, and the rest of players could be followers of them or might not be influential. It is an important point to keep in mind because discussion or negotiation could be proceeded smoothly if planners would take it into consideration. For that purpose, I suppose there are several ways to get a picture of its structure. The first is sometimes useful to draw a “power map” which illustrates social or political power relationships among various players related to land, districts, towns or even country. Hence the scale of the map depends on each issue. Second, studying a transition history of landowners on a site would be meaningful to consider social and political aspects of the

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