Land Rights In Aboriginal History

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Throughout history, Aboriginal people have been disregarded and thrown away of any equality, over this time their rights and justice have been becoming less distant. The Aboriginal struggle for land rights, has a very long history. This essay will be discussing what led to the confusion of land rights in aboriginal history, the impact it had on the original owners of the land, the outcomes that were presented and lastly, why I believe that land rights are specifically a landmark event of the aboriginals struggle in Australian history providing examples throughout the essay. When the First Fleet landed in 1788 the British took over the land without a second thought as to its ownership. They discarded the fact that there were already original…show more content…
Legally, this meant in English law that Indigenous Australians did not exist, thus their right to the land in Australia was also non-existent. “The removal of land from the Aboriginal peoples started in 1788 and continued through the frontier war, and the setting up of the reserves a hundred years later” (Wiliam, 2014, para 3). When the Indigenous Australians were given reserve lands, they were told it would be theirs to keep. However, by the 1960s the Commonwealth government had reclaimed most of the land for housing and commercial projects. The aboriginal people frequently protested over how the reserve land was managed and how it was being taken away from them. In the 1960s there was a country wide protest that had erupted due to the movement of land rights. The aboriginal people not only wanted to preserve the land they already had but they wanted to be recognised as being the legal owners of the traditional lands. Therefore, no one, not even the government could take that away from them in…show more content…
In the 1983 federal election, the Hawke government had guaranteed legislation to ensure “land rights are achieved for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people throughout Australia and their cultural sites and objects are fully protected” (Johnstone, 2014 para 3). On October 27th, 1885 a choice was made by the Hawke Labour Government to return Uluru, formerly known as Ayers Rock and Kata Tjuta, previously known as Olgas, back to the traditional owners, the Anangu people. This was an event which marked an important time for Aboriginal land rights. Therefore, in recognition of the original owners the two symbolic land marks were formed into a national park. The Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park became one of the first parks in the world to be handled by a board with a majority of traditional owners. “The park is listed twice as a World Heritage area: for its environment in 1987 and for the global significance of the Anangu living culture in 1994” (Korff, 2014 para

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