Aboriginal Land Rights

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Despite the victories made during the civil rights movement such as gaining equal citizenship and the entitlement to vote in federal elections, it is evident that Indigenous Australians are continually experiencing less favorable circumstances compared to non-indigenous Australians resulting in lower life expectancies and lower incomes statistically compared to non-indigenous Australians. Forty years after the referendum non-indigenous Australians are continually faced with social, political, economic, colonisation and industrialisation issues, which result in a series of impacts such as misery, discrimination, migration to urban centers, youth suicide and disconnection to land and culture. Whilst the civil rights movement achieved significant…show more content…
The passing of Aboriginal land rights legislation in Australia was preceded by a number of important Aboriginal protests, including the 1946 Aboriginal Stockmen's Strike, the 1963 Yolngu Bark Petition, and the 1966 Wave Hill Walk-Off, as well as the Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 1966 (SA), which established the South Australian Aboriginal Lands Trust. In the 1970s indigenous Australians (both Australian Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders) became more politically active, that there emerged powerful movement for the recognition of Aboriginal land rights. In 1995 the Federal Government established the Indigenous Land Corporation to assist Indigenous Australians to acquire land and manage Indigenous held land sustainably and in a manner that provides cultural, social, economic and environmental benefits for themselves and future generations. The commonwealth added Aboriginals into the census, the high court overturned terra nullius and acknowledged the native title act, symbolic acts such as massive numbers joined walks for reconciliation across Australia, the Howard Government officially abolished the ATSIC and unforgettably the official apology “sorry” to the Stolen Generations. There is no doubt that the campaigners, protesters and activates had the most significance to the civil rights movement. The country we live in today…show more content…
People such as Charles Perkins (one of the most important Australian Aboriginal Activates), Eddie Mabo (founder of Native title act), Vincent Lingari, (an aboriginal activist, was a member of the Gurindji people in the Northern Territory) and Paul Keating (prime minister of Australia and the leader of the labor party from 1991-1996 captured some of the harsh truths about Australia’s history and made significant positive contributions to the Aboriginal Civil rights movement. International bodies, such as the United Nations and political activists in Australia combined have had significant influence in raising fundamental human rights issues in the international arena. The government’s impact during the Civil rights movement can be seen as more damaging than beneficial. They put limitations on the rights of indigenous people to enjoy their rights to land, this evidence was found by the United Nations in 1992. A decade on from these damaging findings from Australian governments were observed by the UN, of Australia behind the eight ball in relation to the delivery and restoration of rights to its Indigenous people. Many indigenous Australians looked John Howard’s refusal to an official apology with disgust and his approach by many was seen as a backward step. Whether or not the Civil rights movement

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