Justo Gonzalez: The Story Of Christianity

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According to The author of “The story of Christianity” by Justo L. Gonzalez in his narrative of the future of shape of history. He agrees that history is complex with its ups and downs, its time of trials, and its times of glory. But as every history, it is an unfinished narrative, for us too, with our own confusion, our ups and downs, our time of trials and our time of glory are now becoming part of the story (Gonzalez. pg. 527-28). It is we who, from our own twenty-first century perspective, shape and interpret the entire story even as we retell it. The question that we must answer is what will the 21st Century and beyond look like? The writer supposes it will be from a global perspective. We can no longer write the history of Christianity as if it were culmination we’re our own particular expression of the faith. We must now look at Christianity from a global perspective and not from a colonialism perspective. Whatever our views about…show more content…
Even the public church of our times is declaring that humanity is at a point in history where drastic changes must come within the church, or the church will not be able to keep up with secular society with its postmodern era of changes that are taking place.” Through a variety of certain philosophical and theological writings, Postmodernism was conceived in the late 1800s and birthed in the 1920s. Nevertheless, this movement in the church did not make its way to the forefront until the 1970s and 1980s, coming into its prime in the 1990s. Postmodernism shifted the presupposition of life politically in governments and religiously in Neo-Christianity. It may also be observed that in 1979, when the term New Age came out of the closet, it was by the end of the century, however, a new dimension had been added to theological discussion, and namely the conviction on the part of many, modernity was coming to a

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