Knowledge Management Case Study

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Title A case study on how knowledge management could be used in educational institutes. 1.1 Introduction Knowledge management is a process of using organisation’s intellectual capital to achieve goals (Wiig, 1997). In spite of knowledge being an intangible resource it adds substantial value to organisations (Zack, 1999). However, people are the most important assets by which knowledge can be generated for the success of the organisation (Dudey & Kalwale, 2010-2011). In particular, an educational institution involves with transferring knowledge (Psarras, 2006) mainly from teachers to students although it can also be through information from other sources such as books and use of technology such as the internet. Therefore, this suggests that…show more content…
Managing knowledge as an asset will also assist in informing staff their own value thus motivating them and retaining them within the organization. The academic objectives of this project would be Discuss models, frameworks and theories that would aid to implement knowledge management. Carry out primary research in the form of interviews and questionnaires to obtain the opinions of the staff with regard to the new system being implemented. To discuss how knowledge management can be practiced in the work place using a wide range of academic literature. To evaluate the effectiveness of the system by obtaining feedback from staff and students. This should help to measure the successfulness of the change that is introduced into the organisation. To identify any resistance from staff and introduce any changes to overcome from such resistance and to communicate to all stakeholders the importance of adhering to the new system that has been introduced. 1.2 Initial Literature…show more content…
The researched data will then be analyzed and interpreted to make useful decisions in the organization. The research can be carried out in the form of interviews, surveys or focus groups. This procedure refers to research methodology. Research information gathered will be justified so as to prove the work undertaken. Research can be undertaken in the form qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative research information is more objective as it related to numerical data collected. On the other hand quantitative data is subjective as it is based on judgments and opinions of people. This will enable to provide reasons for a particular action taking place (Campbell, 2014). To gather information in the form of qualitative research interviews and focus groups can be carried out. In contrast for quantitative research questionnaires can be distributed to a large sample. This will enable to collect large volumes of information unlike in the case of interviews and focus group as only a small sample can be
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