Kite Runner Banned

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Shortly after, the refugee crisis began and Hosseini’s family found asylum in the United States. The terror has continued well into Khaled’s adult life and it was one of the reasons he decided to write The Kite Runner. As his home country was seen as the birthplace of terrorism, Hosseini wanted to shed light onto what Afghanistan was like post- 9/11 and post the Soviet Union invasion. The novel was published on May 29, 2003 and became an instant sensation. It has since been named an American Literary Association Notable book, and has won the ALA Alex Award for books “written for adults that have special appeal to young adults” (NCAC). It was also the recipient of The American Place Theatre's Literature to Life Award. The true portrait of…show more content…
Since the novel’s release, it has been heavily criticized for its mature content, graphic language, and sensitive subjects. The book has been banned in multiple school districts and regarded by parents as having the potential to do more harm than good. In North Carolina, The Kite Runner has been banned in three schools: Freedom High School in Morgantown, all Burke County Schools, and the Asheville School District. The Burke County Superintendent, David Burleson, challenged the book alongside a community member, calling all schools to suspend its use in classrooms (NCAC Staff). In Freedom High School and Asheville School District, parents of students argued that the novel was inappropriate for use in a high school honors class (“Banned Book Week”). Based on these accusations and certain reviews of The Kite Runner, the novel was removed from the curriculum in all three of the North Carolina school…show more content…
The culture, religion, language, and context of the novel have all been challenged and interpreted in different ways. The book is seen to be too sexually explicit and too vulgarly narrated. It’s either condemned as too culturally dense or not culturally correct. The novel has been argued to not include enough women and to be demeaning to the female gender. Based on multiple accounts, The Kite Runner is one of the most controversial books to ever be written. It discusses topics that are extremely applicable to today’s society regardless of race, gender, or religion. Despite this, the novel is criticized by all races, genders, and religions for being offensive and derogatory. Perhaps the reason the novel is excoriated is because it is so truthfully honest that the world can’t grasp its

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