Atonement In The Kite Runner

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Annotated Bibliographies Khadawardi, Hesham. “Superego Guilt, Redemption and Atonement in Khaled Hosseini’s the Kite Runner.” International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, vol. 4, no. 2, 2017, pp. 88–99. In this paper, Khadawardi explores Amir’s guilt, his attempts to redeem himself, and atonement in The Kite Runner. He begins by describing the close relationship between Amir and Hassan and the differences in their social statuses. He makes an immediate claim stating, “when it came to bravery, benevolence and gaming, Hassan superseded Amir in many ways. This was the beginning of an embedded grudge” (90). Khadawardi believes the reason for Amir’s jealousy and resentful feelings towards Hassan was due to Hassan always having a better character and quick thinking. He continues by…show more content…
Sarma writes further explaining how racial prejudices is apparent throughout The Kite Runner starting with Hassan and his father who were Hazaras. She explains that Hassan and his father, Ali, were servants of Amir’s family and were “subject to constant humiliation due to their ethnic identity” (43). Furthermore, Sarma compares the absence of female figures to the ideology of masculinity in this society. For example, due to Amir’s mother dying during childbirth, Hassan’s mother abandoning him, and the overall lack of female figures in the book, Sarma claims, “femininity is constructed to reinforce ‘man as warrior’ construction” (44). The article concludes by summarizing how race and ethnics along with war played an important role in how masculinity was viewed in the society Amir grew up in. This article is an important for demonstrating the relationship between the masculinity and its effects on Amir’s life and his choices throughout The Kite

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