Kashmir: The Kashmir Conflict

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Sovereignty is a sway favor of the omnipotent Almighty Allah to humankind; freedom, by all means, refers to human beings and to other creatures and does hold its magnitude in all aspects. It has widely been manifested by the human history that human beings have ever been striving for freedom, thus, the impression bands no dilemma in it as liberty stands to be the at heart right to all. It has been 70 years since the first shots were fired in the conflicted territory, Kashmir over its status which still remains undecided. Kashmir is a small region in the north of India; a part of the Jammu and Kashmir state which is the northernmost state in India, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, the Kashmir region is of great strategic importance…show more content…
The issue of Kashmir is not a run of the mill as most of the people think. People of Kashmir are on their last legs for the future of their unborn. The Kashmir conflict is a territorial conflict principally between India and Pakistan, because of assorted reasons like religion, region, people etc. which started just after the partition of India in 1947. Pakistan considers Kashmir as its core and only political dispute with India leading to massive wars. So does the international community, except India. Even before India and Pakistan won their independence from Britain in August 1947, Kashmir was hotly contested for same reasons. Both of the lands take different stances on the undecided Kashmir and its unresolved issue. According to India’s bureaucrat, Kashmir is an “integral part” of India. Pakistan’s official locus is that Kashmir is a disputed territory whose final status must be determined by the people of Kashmir. Certain Kashmiri independence groups believe that Kashmir should be independent of both India and Pakistan and should function like other…show more content…
The Maharaja (local ruler), Hari Singh, chose India and a two-year war erupted in 1947. A new war erupted in 1965, while in 1999 India fought a brief but cynical conflict with Pakistani-backed forces. By that time, India and Pakistan had both claimed themselves to be nuclear powers. Kashmir has been a dangerous hornet’s nest between the nuclear-armed neighbors India and Pakistan. The trade of fire amongst their forces crossways the Line of Control, which parts Azad Kashmir from Occupied Kashmir, is a humdrum affair. The Line of Control divides the region in two and these remain one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world. Now that both India and Pakistan have acquired nuclear weapon potential, the likelihood of a third war amid them over Kashmir, which may involve the use of nuclear weapons, cannot be ruled out. Kashmir may be a cause of a likely nuclear disaster in South Asia, which should be averted with an intrusion by the international

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