Essay On Kashmir Conflict

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The valley of Kashmir, which once considered the paradise on earth has going through a worst era now. People of Kashmir are suffering from the cruel, harsh and unbearable atrocities. How the conflict started: In 1947 14 &15 August, Pakistan and India became independent countries but the dispute of Kashmir arose. Kashmir was ruled by a Hindu king Maharaja Hari Singh, who was neutral to India and Pakistan and choose to remain independent because he has majority muslims in his state. On 11 August, the Maharaja dismissed his prime minister Ram Chandra Kak, who had encouraged independence. Viewers and scholars take this action as a slope towards agreement to India. Pakistanis decided to secure itself as first comer, by this possibility of wresting Kashmir by might if needed. Pakistan made countless efforts to influence the Maharaja of Kashmir to join Pakistan. The things started to get worse in August when…show more content…
In May 1965, Shiekh Abdullah was arrested when he returned Indian from Makkah on account of his meeting with Chinese PM at Algiers. The protests started in Kashmir valley. His supporters initiated a “satyagraha” for his release and many were arrested during the movement. Pakistan took advantage of the unrest in Kashmir and sent in a few thousand armed Pakistani persons across the ceasefire line in August and incidents of violence increased in Kashmir. This operation was named “operation gibraltar”. Indian and Pakistani forces crossed the ceasefire line and later the international border in September. A full indo-Pak war started out5 which ended on a ceasefire on 23 September. In 1966, Tashkent declaration was signed by both states in which both of them accede to go back to pre-1965 position, under Russian mediation. Pakistan supported guerrilla groups in Kashmir, they had increased their activities after the agreement of

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