Jhaverchand Meghani's Historical Novels

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2.7.3 Jhaverchand Meghani (1897-1947) Jhaverchand Meghani, popularly known as a poet of powerful sentiments, tried his hand at writing historical novels too. He wrote historical novels like Samarangan (1938), Sorath Taran Vahetan Pani, Ra Gangajaliyo (1939) and Gujarat-no Jay (Part I (1939), Part II (1942)). Comparing Meghani with Munshi, Mansukhlal Jhaveri comments: “If Munshi’s major women characters are much-pampered adolescent daughters and Ramanlal Desai’s are charming beloveds, then Meghani’s major women characters are models of Indian motherhood. Meghani excels in the portrayal of family life. 25 Meghani has remained very close to history in his depiction of events in his historical novels. His novels reveal heroism, mystery, intrigues and romantic fervor. Meghani has made an effective use of the language and imparted to Gujarati literature varied, fresh and exquisite similes. “His best prose, sometimes dancing playfully like a stream, sometimes flowing with the graceful majesty of a post-monsoon Ganga in the plains, draws sharply defined…show more content…
Govardhanram had one ideology; whereas Munshi had another. Moreover, Ramanlal, Pannalal and others possessed a discreet ideology, different from their predecesors. 27 Thus the novel form developed, though at a slow pace, but certainly attained the peak of growth and in turn gave birth to different kinds of novels. Analyzing the entire trail of the historical novel, it is evident that the historical novel originated in the year 1866. Gradually passing through the period of Renaissance, Pundit Yuga, Gandhi Yuga, Post Gandhi Yuga, Modern Age and Postmodern Age, it attained a significant place in Gujarati literature. It is clearly evident that, passing through different eras, it underwent transformation in the hands of various creative artists and established the supremacy of historical novel to other forms of literature. 2.8 Final

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